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Longer run times, and more Consistent Part Levels   

Hoosier Feeder is also a drag feeder manufacturer. Drag feeders integrate into both vibratory and centrifugal feeder systems on a regular basis and when implemented properly, they can vastly increase the performance of a system.  

Perhaps the largest advantage of a drag conveyor manufacturer is that they greatly increase the run-time of a system before it needs to be reloaded with parts, regardless of the system it is being used with.  Another excellent advantage is the elevator’s ability to regulate part levels in feeder systems with extremely high feed rates, which is critical to achieve optimal running conditions.  When designing machine layouts, it is important to consider the human element and interaction with the machine.  When the location of a feeder is less than ideal for loading parts, elevators can provide the relief necessary to finalize a design by moving the load height to a manageable, waist level height.  If a drag-through elevator is right for your project, Hoosier Feeder will make sure it pairs perfectly with you feeder system. 

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At a Glance: Hoosier Feeder

Hoosier Feeder specializes in delivering high-quality and efficient feeding, orienting, and conveying solutions. Offering custom-built vibratory feeder bowls, centrifugal feeder bowls, conveyor systems, and more, we take pride in serving industries worldwide with dependable automation equipment.

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