Feeder Skilled Trades Spotlight: Machining & Fabricating

From welding to electrical work, skilled trades professionals are the foundation of our industry. At Hoosier Feeder, we truly appreciate the contributions of our outstanding skilled trades team members.

Today, we’re excited to shine a spotlight on:


At Hoosier Feeder, our machining and fabricating team is the core of the company, crafting the key components for our feeder systems. Using advanced equipment, our skilled machinists ensure each part is made with precision and accuracy. Their work guarantees the reliability and longevity of our systems.

Our amazing team of four has over 140 years of combined experience in machining and fabricating!

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“I really enjoy working in machining and fabricating because it’s hands-on and keeps me engaged,” says Jeff Kline, machining and fabricating lead. “Crafting precise parts and then seeing the final product, knowing that my work will contribute to the success of our customers, is incredibly rewarding. It’s not just about making parts; it’s about making a difference in the performance and reliability of the systems we build.”

We are so grateful for our machining and fabricating team, whose dedication and expertise are vital to our success. Join us in celebrating their exceptional contributions as we showcase the craftsmanship and innovation of our skilled trades employees in our Feeder Skilled Trades blog series. Stay tuned for more updates!

View Past Feeder Skilled Spotlights:

  1. Welding
  2. Electrical
  3. Machine Assembly - Vibratory


July 23, 2024