Hoosier Heads To AAMP!

July 5th, 2022
Next week Hoosier Conveyor Company and Hoosier Feeder Company are heading to Des Moines, Iowa for the 83rd American Convention of Meat Processors and Suppliers Exhibition!

Trade Shows


2019 Trade Show Circuit

May 3, 2019
Trade shows are important parts of any industry, and that surely doesn’t exclude the process automation and manufacturing industry.  These shows offer a unique opportunity to gather customers, manufacturers, partners, and development companies within their respective fields all under one roof. 

Trade Shows


Trade Show Success in 2018

February 2, 2019
We are always excited to be in front of new audiences and meet new people with which to share our products.  Hoosier's trade show experience in 2018 was one for the books, and we hope to continue our momentum through 2019!

Trade Shows

2018 Trade Shows Blog

2018 Trade Show Circuit

August 9, 2018
Trade shows are important parts of any industry, and that surely doesn’t exclude the process automation and manufacturing industry.  These shows offer a unique opportunity to gather customers, manufacturers, partners, and development companies within their respective fields all under one roof. 

Trade Shows


2017 Pack Expo Packaging Trade Show & The Assembly Show

June 1, 2017
Hoosier Feeder Company will be exhibiting at the upcoming 2017 Pack Expo International and 2017 Assembly trade show. Please join us this fall to learn more about our industry leading centrifugal and vibratory feeder systems, and how we can help your organization improve the efficiency.

Trade Shows